Planning A Trip? 4 Tips For Avoiding Problems With Your Prescription Glasses

If you wear prescription glasses and you're going to be traveling, take steps to protect your vision. The last thing you want is for a problem with your glasses to keep you from enjoying your vacation. While you're preparing for your vacation, don't forget about your glasses. Here are four steps that will help you avoid problems while you're traveling.

Invest in the Right Case

When traveling with prescription glasses, it's crucial that you have the right case. Soft cases are great for when you're at home. However, when you're traveling and your glasses are going to be stuffed in suitcases and carry-ons, you need to have a hard case. One of the benefits of hard cases is that they can prevent crushing accidents with your glasses. They will also protect your glasses if you drop them.

Travel With a Second Pair

If you're going to be traveling far from home, be sure to have a second pair of prescription glasses with you. The second will serve as backup should something happen to your primary pair. If you'll be traveling by airplane, keep one pair in your luggage and one pair in your carry-on bag. That way, you're prepared should one of your bags get lost. It's also a good idea to have a pair of prescription sunglasses, as well. That way, you can see clearly on those bright, sunny days too.

Keep a Copy of Your Prescription

Regardless of how prepared you are, there's always a chance that you'll lose a pair of your prescription glasses. If that happens, you need to be prepared to pick up a spare as soon as possible. The best way to do that is to carry a copy of your prescription with you at all times while you're traveling. That way, you can pick up a new pair immediately. If it's been a while since you had your vision checked, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor before you leave so that you can have a current prescription on hand when you travel.

Bring a Travel-Size Repair Kit With You

When you're traveling, there's always the possibility that you'll break your glasses. Luckily, that doesn't have to end in disaster, especially if you've prepared in advance. When you're packing for your vacation, pick up a travel-size repair kit. If you have a repair kit handy, you'll be able to take care of those minor issues without the need of a brand new pair of glasses.

For more information, reach out to eye clinics like Wolcott Optical Service LC.
